1987 Honda CR250R

1987 Honda CR250R Black Trim
Check out another great example from an era of when Honda dominated the motocross scene! Owned by Wolfgar This is the 3rd 1987 Honda CR250R submitted to the showcase! Wolfgar sounds like a fun guy, here is what he has to say about his Honda.

I’m the original owner. All parts are OEM except for the Flying Machine Factory stainless steel Fatty header, Pro-link decal, front disc and fork guards. I still have my white Rick Johnson Alpinestars, white Rick Jonson Fox chest protector, Fox red white and blue Honda pants and OEM Honda Racing jersey from back in the day. I’m in my 50’s and still can fit. That is a 1986 Chevy Blazer in the background. I’m stuck in the 80’s. lol.

1987 Honda CR250R Black Trim1987 Honda CR250R Black Trim

Published: August 6, 2017 9:05 pm Categorized in: ,

1987 Honda CR250R & Parts

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