Vintage Maico Motorcycles

Maico MotorcyclesMaico Motorcycles, or Maicowerk A.G., began in Germany in 1926, assembling 98 and 123 cc two stroke motors, but is best known for their motocross and enduro dirtbikes. Maico made a few light road bikes during WWII, but their business didn’t really start to amplify until after the war. The M 125 began being mass-produced in 1948, and was a 123cc two-stroke with a single cylinder. In 1949, a beefed-up version of the M 125, the M 150, was released. Both of these machines were given a new rear suspension a couple of years later, and their names were changed to the M 126 and M 151.

Maico released their first motorcycle with a four-speed gearbox in 1953, the Maico Fanal. The single-cylinder, 197cc M 200 was also released in 1953. Many new models were released in the 1950s, including the M 175S, M 175T, M 200S, M 200T, Passat 175, Typhoon, and Blizzard. In the 1960s, Maico was a supplier of all-terrain bikes to the German army. They were making them a 247cc bike, the M 250B. After this venture is when they began mass producing motocross and enduro bikes for the general public.

The MC (motocross) and GS (enduro) bikes were very successful in American and European competitions in the 1970s and early 1980s. The 1974 1/2 400cc and 440cc GP, and 1981 490cc enduro models, as well as all 501cc motocross models are some of the most desired vintage MX and dual-shock motorcycles to this day. To many, the 1981 Maico Mega 490 was considered the greatest open-class motocross bike of all time.

Maico was an innovator when it came to suspension. In the mid-70s, they began making the suspension travel much longer, making it easier to ride off-road. This in turn helped their racers gain on the competition. Maico also began mounting the rear shocks with them leaning forward, and mounted the front wheel axle in front of the lower fork leg, increasing the travel range even more.

Maicowerk AG filed for bankruptcy in 1983, but continued to produce MX and enduro bikes until 1986, re-naming their motocross models “M-Stars” in the United States. Other manufacturers have purchased the Maico name and are still applying it to their own limited edition open-class bikes today.

Vintage Maico Motorcycles & Parts

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  • Sølve Lislelid says:

    Hei, jeg vurderer å kjøpe en Maico MD 50 75 mod og lurer på hvor får jeg tak i deler? Kunne tenke meg å få tak i en 125 sylinder for å få mer kraft.

  • Mark watson says:

    I have what I think is a 1975 Maico GS400 in as new condition. It was bought in Italy this year. I need to find authenticity of its year of manufacture in order to get an aged related registration number from D.V.L.A United Kingdom. Does anybody know where I might be able to get this? Preferably in writing from an official or accepted official source. Any help would be very much appreciated. I have photos frame and engine numbers etc.

    • Jim Mullen says:

      Hello Mark,

      I recommend joining the Yahoo Group “MAICOMOTORCYCLES”. Really good group and there is a Maico registry that will help ID the year of production.
      There is also a member that has the Maico Production Ledgers that will tell you the date of production of your Maico GS.

      As to official paperwork, that will be very difficult without the original “Statement Of Origin” that would have be given to the first owner at the time of sale.
      I would look into paperwork your local motor vehicle office could help produce listing the prior owner you purchased it from. I only know some of the ways we do this in the USA and that depends on each State’s rules.

      Nothing’s easy,
      Jim Mullen

    • Anonymous says:

      Check Chippys Maico . They a a Vin chart for 1974 and up Maico

  • Joey Longmire says:

    I have a’73 Maico MC400, awesome and great show bike.

  • Avery Hensley says:

    Just noticed your post looking for info on a 1969 Maico 125. I own a 1969 125 Maico, which is a 5 speed. I also own a 1973 125 Maico, which is a 6 speed. I’m very familiar with Maicos, was a dealer inthe late 1960’s & early 1970’s, in Bakersfield, CA. Drop me a post.

    Avery Hensley

  • Ben Arakaki says:

    I’m looking for any info on a bike I have. It’s a 1969 mc125. Thanks.

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