Vintage CZ Motorcycles

CZ MotorcyclesCZ is short for Česká Zbrojovka, which is a Czechoslovakian firearms manufacturer that is also known for making CZ motorcycles. In September 1919, CZ was established as a branch of the Škoda Works Armament in Strakonice, Czechoslovakia.

CZ began making street motorcycles in 1932, but abandoned racing them in 1972 so that they could focus on creating CZ motocross bikes. They became very well known for their powerful two-stroke mx bikes and was the first company to use expansion chambers in their exhaust pipes.

Although CZ was very successful in Grand Prix motorcycle racing, they were even more successful with motocross racing, winning seven World Championships and dominating the International Six Day Trials Competition.

Despite CZ’s racing success, the company lost a lot of the motorcycle market with the increase of popularity in the less expensive Japanese motorcycles in the 1970s. In 1993, Italian motorcycle manufacturer Cagiva purchased the motorcycle branch of CZ, with intent to create new proprietary bikes, as well as new CZ models. Cagiva failed in 1997 because of financial difficulties, therefore bringing an end to CZ Motorcycles.

Vintage CZ Motorcycles & Parts

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  • Steve Lynes says:

    does anybody do this post anymore?

    I have a 67 CZ 175 single HELP.

  • Robert McCole says:

    I recently purchased a CZ 125 and I am on the hunt for several parts now such as front brake cable, perch and lever, possible piston and upper cylinder gasket kit, front fender and 3 number plates, seat cover, air filter, carb boot to airbox, etc. any idea where the best place is to source the above-mentioned items.

    • Bob Myers says:

      Try CR High Performance in Fallbrook, California. the number is: (760) 451-0056. Open Monday through Thursday. If you are not already acquainted with Charlie Richardson, it would be worth your time to get acquainted. He is the CZ guru and can help you with all your needs.

  • Dave says:

    NW maico/cz in mechanicsville pa.

  • Robert e says:

    74 CZ fuel tanks. The 74 CZ coffin tanks came with a flat silver paint on them rather than bare aluminum, right?

  • steve lemon says:

    I have a new yellow 72 tank and front fender if anyone is interested. I bought a new bike in 72 and took them off as soon as I got the bike home and replaced them with aluminum tank and plastic fender. It has been in the attic since.

    • Danny piffero says:

      I am very interested in the tank and fender , I just found and purchased a 72 that was sold at the same shop where I bought mine but it has the peanut tank and PP mudder front fender . I am going to restore it to box stock even to the solid pegs, so I can show my boys the reason I limp and move slow some times

      • steve lemon says:

        If you would like to send me your email address, I can send you pictures of the tank and fender before you make an offer Thanks Steve

    • bruce greg says:

      I had, did the same thing except I gave mine to a guy that I thought was a friend..”WRONG” It still bugs me no end. How much would would it cost to get good feeling back?? Thanks, Bruce#60

    • Craig says:

      if still for sale email me

  • Gary Anderson says:

    Anyone have a pair of falta fork tubes in good condition? I need the extra 20 mm for my old cz.?won over 70 AHRMA OPEN NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ON THIS BIKE IN 2010, but getting older means need more travel front forks. Falta tubes are legal they only provide 7” travel ahrma accepts

  • Joe says:

    Looking for someone who can work on a 400 CZ motor.

  • T. Cox says:

    Could anyone give me some info on where to get a frame for my cz360 motocross bike, in the process of renovation the frame went awol, I don’t know if the Cz380 frame is the same? Any info much appreciated

  • Jon Stickel says:

    I am pretty knowledgeable on CZ motocross bikes. I will try to answer your questions.

  • Bill Jarrett says:

    I have a CZ I believe is 1972. The engine is mounted in a Husqvarna frame. Is this common? I can’t tell what size the motor is.

  • Zachariah malcuit says:

    Im looking for a white CZ off road motorcycle with the diamond fuel tank. This was my dad’s bike when he was 18 that he sold for an engagement ring to his high school sweetheart who broke his heart the next day. He’s always regretted it and i want to surprise him and get the same bike back for him.

    • Mark Livingston says:

      Check with cr high-performance Charlie Richardson in southern California I think falbrook.

  • warren says:

    i have a 1935 CZ 150.

    • Travor bussey says:

      Is it for sale? I’m looking for a late 30’s CZ either 100 or 125cc. My dad had one in the 50’s

  • Tom Stockstill says:

    Tom Deluxe here. (was in So-Cal vintage bis 90 to 05) now Montana, and just completed a CZ477 rider for personal use at 750 ugh! Seems quite satisfactory as such.???
    However at about 40 mi. into road testing this little thing, (made from 700 mi donor), it spit out the primary chain through a big hole (made by same) in the front of both cases. No foreign pieces appear and the sprocket are both damaged. Am presently considering it a one of a kind incident or perhaps advise if other known incidents. Thanx “Tom”

    • Ted Kierscey says:

      Send me your email address. Got a very nice CL72 photo for you. One of your children.

  • Randy Irwin says:

    Where can I get rings and clutch for a 1973 CZ 250cc model 980.4?

    • mike says:

      Yup my old 72/380 20/1 formula is 128oz. divided by 20oz. = 6.4oz. per gallon. Castrol golden spectro if they still make it.

  • Dan Barnes says:

    Pal plugs. 3.2 before top dead center. Always ran 20 to 1 Castrol, probably would run 50 to 1 now. Klotz was good but Amsoil is the way to go. Happy landings! #31 Danny Barnes

  • Rich Jeffery says:

    I am looking for information on what the suspension is on the 1991 CZ Model 514. The up-pipe 400 motocrosser. Specifically, was the FRONT suspension manufactured by CZ or another supplier. Also, whoever supplied it, was it worth a darn?

    Many thanks and BRAP ON!


    • Mark Celino says:

      Type 516/513/514 models had CZ’s own forks they were terrible as stock, but I put some Ceriani springs (from a WMX125 Cagiva in mine and some light oil and no air pressure) and they were great from then on. The rear shocks are completely rebuildable and tunable and need 145 psi (air or nitrogen). Different spring rates available from Increasing the diameter of the exhaust stinger also livens up the motor…

  • Ray says:

    Premix. I bought one new in 74.

  • Steve says:

    All CZ motocross bikes were pre-mix only. I had good luck with a 32:1 mixture. I haven’t had a CZ in a while, but I used to run Klotz synthetic oil with a mixture of Klotz Nitro fuel additive. I don’t even know if they make the Klotz anymore. CZ’s run best with a Mikuni carb & a reed valve. I don’t remember which year they started using reeds, but CZ’s are hard on spark plugs if they have the old points & condenser ignition. Mine were 71 & 73 250’s. Safety wire & locktite everything you can, they vibrate almost as bad as an old Maico. The way they make power, they are like a light switch, either all on or all off. The only way you can tear up one of their trannys is to crash real hard on the shifter side & drive it into the cases. I used to race one in the 70’s & we would have clutch hand on top of the helmet starts. When the surgical tube was dropped for the start I would have the engine revved up & just stomp it in gear then grab for the left side of the handle bar as the front end is coming up. Nobody could beat me to the first turn. Miss my old CZ’s, had a lot of memories riding on them.

  • Paul Mcginley says:

    I have just bought an incomplete 1974 CZ motocross. Could someone tell me if there should be a 2 stroke oil tank or is the oil and fuel pre mixed before putting into the fuel tank?

    Many Thanks.

    • Anonymous says:

      One quart Klotz 2 stroke per five gallons gasoline, premixed.

      • John says:

        Who hopefully in the united states can work on CZ 250 motocross engines ? I have a 1975 CZ 250 to be worked on and overhauled . Please any help would be appreciated . I am located in Va.


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