1987 Honda CR250
Here is an amazing race replica 1987 Honda CR250, one of the most exciting showcase bikes we’ve received to date; and all we know is it’s from a guy that calls himself “Skidplate” from Oceanside, CA. Well, Skidplate, you have one cool Honda!
It came to me as an $80 junker, but I’ve dreamed of one since I was 16, so I saw through the destroyed mess.
Everything was shot, the frame was re-welded and powder coated, the water pump was toast so I retro-fitted an ’89 sidecase, new clutch, stator and cdi. The crank was still tight and the cylinder just needed a crosshatch. My friend had it ported so gnarly that I ended up at a 190 main, then the cylinder was bead blasted, and the radiators were striped to the aluminum. The carb was replaced with a PWK Airstriker and the airbox was totally re-done.
The swingarm was polished and I rebuilt the rear shock. I spent hours at RK Excel figuring out the wheels and wound up having to use Yamaha front spokes. For the front-end I used an 89 CR250 bottom clamp and ’92 CR500 forks and top clamp. The dampener is GP Motorsports from ’88 or ’89 before they became GPR in 1990. OEM front and rear fenders and the rest was cleaned and polished. Ceet racing built me a custom gripper seat and I used a Pro Circuit pipe and stock silencer.
Anyone who has built an ’87 knows how hard parts are to come by because it was a one year bike, I have ridden it a total of about an hour to do the jetting, and then Ricky Johnson signed the bike and Motorcycle USA and JT racing did a photo shoot with the bike, so right now it is a garage trophy…. enjoy!