1984 Honda CR80
Sean Fries’ 1984 Honda CR80R
Another great looking vintage Honda CR mini comes to us from Sean Fries of Shasta California!
Here is a 1984 Honda CR80 I’m restoring. I decided to combine a little new with the old school and I made a custom set of triple clamps so I could put a 2003 CR 85 front end on it. I had Karl Landrus from KLP racing make me a custom coke bottle swingarm for it as well. This bike is a bad little machine!
Dan Sandberg’s 1984 Honda CR80
Hey mini mx lovers, check out this sweet 1984 Honda CR80 from our friend and member Dan Sandberg. Be sure to watch his video! Here is what Dan says about his Honda:
This is a 1984 HONDA CR80 that I bought for my boys for $80. I grew up in the 80’s so this was a great opportunity to share my past with my kids. It was listed as an ’85. I checked the internet for parts and found them to be readily available, so I was off.
When I arrived it became clear that it was NOT an ’85 but an ’84. It was trashed. The bottom end was shot, the cylinder was up off the bottom end and locked up, the rear shock was one solid piece and every screw and nut was missing, broken, the wrong one, or rusted. Undaunted, I made an offer and we drove home with our “STEAL”. Uh… an ’84 CR 80’s connecting rod and bottom end parts are VERY difficult to locate….hence the seemingly “GOOD” deal we got.
We proceeded with the project any way with a lot of modifications due to lack of parts and others just because I thought it looked kinda cool. We stripped the bike completely down to the frame and everything else was put in boxes. The whole thing took around 2 years to complete mostly due to funds. (I have 8 kids and work 2 jobs to make ends meet. Parts for old dirt bikes are WAY down on the list of priorities.)
I sold some stuff and worked a few extra jobs for cash and this is the outcome. I couldn’t afford powder coating, so I stripped the frame down and used automotive spray paint. I also primed and painted all the exposed hardware gold, (couldn’t convince the wife that anodized bolts were necessary). The swing arm and shock are off of an ’85 CR 80. I wanted to use the aluminum linkage with needle bearings. The seat is custom made since I couldn’t find a gripper seat cover. ALL the graphics and backgrounds are hand made. The wide foot pegs are off a WR 426, the gas cap is for a 2006 KX250F, the bars are off a KX 125, the rear chain guide came off a 2003 CR 125. The throttle did not fit and it is heavily modified to work. The engine was rebuilt, top end, bottom end, seals and gaskets. I matched the transfers to the case and ported it myself. I did the lettering on the wheels and had to strip lots of spray paint off all the plastic.
I was told it was a “BEER BIKE”. They got drunk and abused it. It now is rebuilt and living in a good home.
That’s a great story Dan, sounds like it was a true labor of love. I think most all of us dirt bike fanatics can agree that we got that way at a young age because of our Dads. I’m sure your kids will be no exception! Thanks for sharing your Honda CR80 with us Dan, you did a great job!